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Changes To Sportsbook API

Our Sportsbook API is changing so we wanted to let you know what this means for you, and how it will affect your usage of our API software moving forward.

Below, we have broken down the changes into several sections as well as explaining how to use the new API, but please do contact us if you still have further questions after reading this information pack.

As this is a transitional period, we will still support the usage of the deprecated API for the time being to give users time to switch to the new one. We encourage everyone to switch to use the new API though as the deprecated one will most likely eventually be removed.

Site Parameters Changing to Country Specific

Up until this point, our API feed parameters included options per market and per live streaming country, but from this point on, we have replaced these options with a per site parameter.

This means that when you use the site parameter “”, you will now be able to receive the same feeds as the one used on that site.

Getting Popular & Live Events

To support the change from market to site parameters, we’ve added a new endpoint for getting popular and live events.

The old endpoint had the following format:

While the new endpoint has this format:

The New API

You’ll know that the new API has taken effect when you login to our platform if the “site” parameter is present. This means that even if the old “market/live streaming country” parameters are available, our API will automatically show your the “site” parameter feed.

Supported Sites

By clicking the link below, you will be able to find all the supported sites in a dropdown function for each API where they’re accepted.

Supported Sites

For more indepth information on the changes to our API, please read this PDF API_Changes